Final Year Theory Modules w/ Spencer and Derek

09/10/2014 § Leave a comment

What is a dissertation?

A systematic collection and interpretation of researched material – a collection of arguments and research which builds a case to assess the extent to which a set of objectives has been satisfied or to test a hypothesis. Inclusive primary and secondary sources.

A body of work

The dissertation gives you the opportunity to:

  • formulate and communicate ideas and propositions
  • Develop you skills in terms of research and research methodologies
  • Demonstrate academic rigour
  • Pursue in depth, areas and issues which are of interest and of relevance to you and may inform decisions with regard to your future career
  • Investigate and understand broad yet in depth aspects of the issues relevant to your particular degree courses
  • Become an expert in the specific aspect of your chosen topic
  • Inform studio practice

Hang on to research material for dissertation in case there is an issue with your final dissertation: 5500 words

Thursday Lecture: Time, Aesthetics and Composition

09/10/2014 § Leave a comment

Why you can’t write an (interesting) essay in a week

In more strongly ‘fact’ based disciplines:

  • area of study (gap analysis)
  • Hypothesis: Charles Sandford Peirce – abduction and semiotics: creativity
  • Experimental design: creativity
  • Internal relational coherence
  • Relations with world (through data acquisition

In cultural studies/humanities:

  • Emphasis upon MEANING PRODUCTION
  • An essay has context but is also interpretative: coherent, persuasive (induce movement in the reader), interesting, enlightening (construct a way of seeing/drawing from an aspect)



S: Substitute (remove some part of the accepted situation, thing or concept and replace it with something else)

C: Combine (join, affiliate or force together two or more elements of your subject matter and consider ways that such a combination might move you towards a solution)

A: Adapt

M: Modify (consider many of the attributes of the thing you’re working on and change them arbitrarily

P: Purpose/put to other use (modify the intention to the subject, think about why it exists, what is it used for etc)

E: Eliminate (arbitrarily remove any or all elements of your subject, simplify, reduce to core functionality)

R: Reverse (change the direction or orientation. Turn it upside-down, inside-out etc)

(R: Reaarrange (modify the order)

(M: Magnify (zoom in on something or amplify its intensity)


5 Keywords:

Typography, Film


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